Product is an asphyxiate and may exhibit anesthetic properties. Unlikely to cause long term adverse effects in the environment. Prices, promotions, styles and availability may vary by store and online. General msds assistance call 8167921600 and ask to speak with the safety department for general assistance with questions about this msds. Material safety data sheet complies with osha hazard communication standard 29 cfr 1910. Section6 accidentalreleasemeasures personalprecautions wearpersonalprotectiveclothingincludingrespiratoryprotectionaswarranted. Enter synonyms, trade names or additional information found in section 1. First aid measures space skin contact immediately take off all contaminated clothing. Handling and storage advice on general occupational hygiene conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities eating, drinking and smoking should be prohibited in areas where this material is. Page 6 of 6 16 other information text of r and s phrase codes used in this safety data sheet. Page 49 safety data sheet according to 19072006ec reach, 12722008ec clp, and ghs printing date 2262014 revision. Safety data sheet mixed butanes sinclair oil corporation. If suffer from frostbite,flush with plenty of lukewarm water immediately. No adverse reproductive or developmental effects were observed in.
Weller butane gas refill safety data sheet download 226003 msds nohsc. Product name gosystem butane propane mix gas cartridge section 4. Your new online msds binder is a place for you to store the material safety data sheets you need to deploy. Description of first aid measures general information if in doubt, get medical attention promptly.
Our msds database is an easy to use, do it yourself tool, and best of all. Other companies are charging thousands of dollars to set up. No systemic or neurotoxic effects were noted in rats exposed to concentrations of butane as high as 9,000 ppm for 28 days. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and. In the event of a leak, as gas is heavier than air, it has a tendency, in the absence of. Safety data sheet for parasene butanepropane gas 1. Gc electronics believes that the information contained herein is accurate and reliable as of the date of this material safety data sheet, but no representation guarantee or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information.
Product name gosystem butanepropane mix gas cartridge section 4. Handling and storage general cylinders containing flogas liquefied butane gas are designed to give a vapour offtake gas supply. Handling and storage advice on general occupational hygiene conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities eating, drinking and. Butane cas 106978 stel ppm isobutane cas 75285 stel ppm us. Al074 air liquide australia limited level 9 380 st. The information provided about the product on this safety data sheet has been compiled from. Accidental release measures environmental precautions immediately contact emergency personnel. Product identifier identification numbername of the substance propane propylene butane butylene registration number synonyms olefins sds number 2025 issue date 27july2011 version number 05 revision date 24july20 supersedes date 17. Is referred to liquefied petroleum gases handbook,nfpa,4ed.
Osha acgih butane 106978 twa 80 0p m,1 90 g 3 twa 1,000 ppm 8. April 11, 2016 page 4 of 9 deerfoot consulting inc. Enter synonyms, trade names or additional information. Product identifier product name sterling butane gas product number ls6 1. Its also one of the very few that doesnt require you to either register or pay. Product identifier product name butane cartridge product no. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against. The concentrations of the components in the sds header, product name on page one and. Keep affected person away from heat, sparks and flames.
Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against identified uses propellant source 1. Physical and chemical properties extremely flammable. Please click the corresponding file below to download the msds. Safety data sheet mixed butanes section 1 identification product name. Safety data sheet gosystem butanepropane mix gas cartridge. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1. H220 extremely flammable gas h280 contains gas under pressure. To download or print the safety data sheet for liquefied petroleum gas, butane mouse over the pdf below and click the appropriate symbol download pdf file revision date. Pdf the application of propanebutane mixture for domestic. Ronson butane ensure adequate ventilation keep away from ignition sources. Gas balance of other ingredients are miscellaneous hydrocarbons less than 1% in concentration or 0. Mixture contact with skin or eyes can cause frostbite.
Pocket guide to chemical hazards components type value butane cas 106978 twa 1900 mgm3 800 ppm propane cas 74986 twa 1800 mgm3 ppm additives type value ethyl mercaptan cas ceiling 1. Product identifier identification numbername of the substance propane propylenebutane butylene registration number synonyms olefins sds number 2025 issue date 27july2011 version number 05 revision date 24july20 supersedes date 17. Read and follow all safety data sheets sdss before use. Material safety data sheet for butane this material safety data sheet msds is produced by proiroda industries, inc. Safety data sheet butane gas cartridge catering inventar. Composition information on ingredients space eye contact remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. The most complete free material safety data sheet msds list.
Product name butane battery butane aerosol chemical name hydrocarbons, c34rich, petroleum distillate eu index number 649083000 cas number 68512914 ec number 2709909 section 4. Product identifier product name butane gas 56570001 product no. Avoid allowing water runoff to contact spilled material. Butane cas 106978 stel ppm propylene cas 115071 twa 500 ppm additives type value ethyl mercaptan cas twa 0. Butane cylinders must be used in the upright position with the outlet valve at the top of the cylinder. Download fulltext pdf the application of propanebutane mixture for domestic refrigerators article pdf available in applied thermal engineering 189. Butane c4h10 safety data sheet sds p4572 praxair, inc.
Show this safety data sheet to the medical personnel. Liquefied petroleum gas, butane safety data sheet dental. Soil if released to soil the product will rapidly evaporate. Praxair cannot assure the integrity or accuracy of any version of this document after.
Composition information on ingredients space eye contact immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Inventory is sold and received continuously throughout the day. Identification of the substancemixture and of the companyundertaking 1. Butane msds yes karen fenimore senasys 704 bartlett ave. Flogas lpg propane butane safety data sheet according to ec 19072006. Page 3 of 5 7 handling and storage precautions for safe handling. Flogas safety data sheet flogas liquefied butane gas page 6 of 8 water if released to water the product will rapidly evaporate. Safety data sheet butane cartridge according to regulation eu no 4532010 section 1. Pocket guide to chemical hazards components type value butane cas 106978 twa 1900 mgm3 800 ppm isobutane cas 75285 twa 1900 mgm3 800 ppm biological limit values no biological exposure limits noted for the ingredients. Please ensure that this msds is received by an appropriate person.
1516 76 1257 1550 621 1539 1579 468 714 895 582 753 1399 363 577 304 774 926 368 762 295 364 55 901 1033 1150 156 847 311 191 1020 1219 830 234 556 12 1226 38 890 245 101 551